My Favorite Books

  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X
  • Perfect Timing by Brenda Jackson
  • The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe by J. Randy Taraborrelli
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • The entire Harry Potter Series
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
  • Dying for Revenge by Eric Jerome Dickey
  • What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci
  • Midnight by Sista Souljah

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Untitled Writing

Marlon Brown was a man all about action and results. Whatever he saw and wanted, he made a plan, took action, and got it. He wanted to graduate at the top of his collegiate class, so he made a four-year plan, studied hard, and made it a reality. His wife, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, was another challenge. He met her in a study group at a time when she was very uninterested men and relationships. But he wanted her. He made a plan, took action, and married her two years after that first meeting.
            Eight years later, he felt as if he had conquered it all. Started his own business, traveled the world, and had many different women were just a few of the things he had checked off of his bucket list. And now he felt burnt out. What was next for the man who had tried and done everything?
            His parents and friends said it was time for him to settle down and start a family. But he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Tara hadn’t said anything to him about it either. But then again, she hadn’t been saying too much of anything to him. Especially since the panty incident.
            Sitting in his office, he cursed himself for his carelessness. How could he have been stupid enough to sleep with Janelle in the bed he shared with his wife? He didn’t love Janelle. He didn’t love any of the women he slept around with. Tara was the only woman outside of his mother that he loved.
            Other women did not appeal to his emotions. He didn’t take them on dates or buy them nice things like he did for Tara. Tara was his heart; his one and only. On rainy days, just the thought of her chased his storm clouds away. He just had to have other women sexually. Not because she didn’t satisfy him, her love making was the cream of the crop. He couldn’t explain it; and even if he could, Tara would never understand. And that’s why he had lied to her about the panties when his heart screamed to tell her the truth. She would leave him if she ever found out about Janelle. Other women she might be able to handle, but never her sister.
            Ping! His Blackberry sounded off, notifying him of a text message. He checked it and frowned when he saw Janelle’s name.
            “We need to talk, dinner later?”
            He ignored the text message and called his secretary in over the intercom. Sharon had been his secretary since he’d started Modern Days magazine, and he started fucking her about a year after he married Tara. She didn’t really do much for him in the ways of attraction; but one night when they were both working late at the office, she just whipped his dick out and gave him one of the best blow jobs he’d ever had. Tara didn’t do oral so Sharon was more of a “filler” for his insatiable sex appetite.
            “Yes Boss?”
            “Sharon, what else is on my schedule for this afternoon?”
            “Nothing sir, remember your meeting with Schick got moved to next week Wednesday.”
            “Alright, I’m going to take the rest of the day off.” He disconnected the call and gathered his things.
            He was interested in dinner, but only with his wife. He had been neglecting her for the past few months, and he didn’t want to lose her. Despite his transgressions, he loved his wife with all of his heart. And he was intent on showing her that.

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