My Favorite Books

  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X
  • Perfect Timing by Brenda Jackson
  • The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe by J. Randy Taraborrelli
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • The entire Harry Potter Series
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
  • Dying for Revenge by Eric Jerome Dickey
  • What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci
  • Midnight by Sista Souljah

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Change is Good

Motherhood has changed me. . . or pregnancy I should say. I haven't actually held my baby in my arms yet, looked into his beautiful eyes, and whispers the secrets of the universe in his tiny ears, but I've shared so much of who I am with this tiny person. Zyon Gregory Butler is an individual asking nothing more of me than to be loved and fed. He does not ask me to change who I am in order to be loved in return. He loves me just as I am. And for that reason alone, these last eight months have changed me. I've never been an entirely selfish human being, but there was always room for growth. Since January 24, 2011, when I read the positive pregnancy test result, my life began to take shape. Slowly, I realized it isn't really about me. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't about any of us individually. It's about the footprint we plan to leave on this Earth as a memoir to our time spent here. I've gone to college, read the books, and conversed with many different individuals; and it took for me to create this life that is now growing inside of me, to understand my purpose. And it is to give life to this individual, who I believe will grow up to change the world. He's already induced astronomical change in the life of his parents-to-be, so one can only wonder what's next. . .

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