My Favorite Books

  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X
  • Perfect Timing by Brenda Jackson
  • The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe by J. Randy Taraborrelli
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • The entire Harry Potter Series
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
  • Dying for Revenge by Eric Jerome Dickey
  • What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci
  • Midnight by Sista Souljah

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Do You Think??

So, I got an email from my bestie today. It basically explains why women act the way they do towards men. Here it is:

The male specie as a whole from day one has had problems with our women. You know you go threw the routine where you guys fuss and fight. You say she's trippen, she changed, and the relationship isn't what It use to be. I use to wonder..... Why do women change from the start of a relationship to the end? Then it hit me, Males do so much to a woman in the course of a relationship that she's forced outside her normal self. We lie, cheat, and stir up so much confusion in order for a woman to k
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eep her sanity she has to adjust to your level. All of a sudden we as males start acting right but its hard for the females to adjust back because they've been hurt and now they're on defense all the time a.k.a trippen. So the next time you say your girl is trippen, or wonder why she's changed. ask your self what have you put her threw.

This is something my boyfriend and I have been dealing with. We both have damaged each other and we're starting to realize that things may never be the same. But, what do you think?

Today is the Day!

Good Morning!!!

Today I meet with my advisor from my new school to see if it really is possible for me to go back to school this fall with everything that is holding me back. I am hoping for good things because at heart, I want nothing but to learn. I hope to become an English teacher and I don't see how that can be accomplished without formal education. So, let's all cross our fingers and hope that she says exactly what I want to hear her say... K?

I really want to buy new shoes. I'm going to wait until the fall though (probably not) because Jimmy Choo is designing a collection for H & M. This is good news to girls like me who have to always shop on a budget. I love Jimmy Choo. I had planned on buying my first pair as a graduation present to myself, but the shoes they're putting out make it possible for me to have my first pair before Christmas this year. Not only will their be shoes, but Jimmy Choo is designing fashions and handbags. I can't even fully express my excitement! My boyfriend doesn't seem to understand but I don't think he'll be complaining when he catches me in my new Jimmy Choo!

Last night, boyfriend and I had our first argument in weeks. I think it was needed. I said some things which hurt him, but they weren't intentional. We got a lot of things out in the open, now its time to deal with the pain and the hurt and move on to being happy again. I love him, I really do. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than with him, but I won't accept less than what I deserve. That's just not an option.

So, that's all for this morning. I'm going to go and get ready for my meeting. I wrote a poem last nice that I'll probably share when I get back.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Relationships sans Friendship

... It just doesn't work. How can you have a fully functioning relationship with a man/woman (whatever suits you best) if you can't call this person a friend? Your significant other should be someone you can go to about almost anything. Family problems? Can't find your girls to bitch and moan to? Why not call up your boyfriend. He's most likely always offering his shoulder. He may not understand what's going on, but he'll listen. And most of the time, that's all we want anyway. It's healthy for him to be there for you and for you to be there for him. Men don't always go crying to their girlfriends when things go bad, but sometimes, they really do need your shoulder.

So what happens when the man you love isn't available for more than a hug? Life is pulling him in all different directions and that friend you thought you had disappeared. No longer are you two staying up late at night discussing politics or your shoe fetish. You rarely get a phone call saying goodnight. Is this what the end is? Once the friendship goes, what's next?


Dance Like No One is Watching

Hey everybody!!! My name is Tia Love and I am a living, breathing, 20 year-old ball of confusion. Just like most my age I assume. I love to read and I love to write. Nothing makes me happier than being in the company of those I love. I don't really do parties and I'm not in to the club scene. My freshman year in college, I spent enough time partying and getting to know my wild side, now its time for her to go back where she came from. I've been through a lot and done some things I regret, all in the name of experience. I take my experiences and learn from them. I'm focusing on finding the positive in situations that I would usually use as a reason to lay in bed all day with a box of Oreos. I don't consider myself an average girl. I do however love Fashion with an emphasis on shoes. I think I get that from too many episodes of Sex and the City, but whatever. Jazzy feet make me happy :) Chocolate also makes me happy. Being in love makes me happy. But nothing soothes my aches and pains more than retail therapy. Still not your average female though. Just...spend some time to get to know me. I ask lots of questions and I give out lots of answers. So, stop by and chat with me sometime!!!



P.S. If you had to paint a portrait of yourself to show the world who you are, what colors would you use?